IATA - Worldwide Airport Slot Guidelines

The Worldwide slot guidelines provide a single set of standards for the management of airport slots. List of Level 2 and 3 airports

Contact us Contact us The prime objective of airport slot coordination is to ensure the most efficient declaration, allocation and use of available airport capacity in order to optimize benefits to consumers, taking into account the interests of airports and airlines.

  1. To facilitate consumer choice of air services, improve global connectivity and enhance competition at congested airports for passengers and cargo.
  2. To provide consumers with convenient schedules that meet demand, are consistent from one season to the next, and reliable in terms of their operability.
  3. To ensure that slots are allocated at congested airports in an open, fair, transparent and non-discriminatory manner by a slot coordinator acting independently.
  4. To realize the full capacity potential of the airport infrastructure and to promote regular reviews of such capacity and demand that enable effectual capacity declarations for slot allocation on a seasonal basis.
  5. To balance airport access opportunities for existing and new airlines.
  6. To provide flexibility for the industry to respond to regulatory and changing market conditions, as well as changing consumer demand.
  7. To minimize congestion and delays. Latest changes to the WASG and updates published

The IATA Slot Conference purpose, organization and accreditation of attendees

How to complete capacity analysis for the purpose of declaration every season

Technical system standards for coordination systems and slot tools

Form for declaring an airport change in coordination level

Best practice principles of independence in coordination and slot management

The coordinator and facilitator contact details for all coordinated and facilitated airports globally. Last update: 30 October 2024.

Form for submitting a request to change the slot guidelines

How to use data and analysis to perform Slot Performance Monitoring

Slots and schedule information should be provided by the coordinators to the airport managing body for each scheduling season.

Managing temporary reductions of airport capacity (pdf) - Guidance to manage temporary reductions of airport capacity announced after the confirmation of seasonal capacity parameters. All guidance is complementary to the Worldwide Airport Slot Guidelines.

Industry Collaboration Brings New Era for Airport Slot Allocation

Competition Law Guidelines for IATA Commercial Events (pdf)

Advice for Coordinators - Coordination Process (pdf)

Advice for Airlines - Coordination Process (pdf)

Proposal for Revision of the WASG (pdf)

Calendar of Coordination Activities (pdf)

Worldwide Airport Coordinators Group

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